The Power of Your Thoughts

Saints, there is power in your voice (words). In other words your mountain knows your voice. What does that mean? It means your mouth is one of your most powerful resources, and your tongue is your answer. God created with His Words and so can you. And whether or not you are aware of it, you are creating your future everyday by the words coming out of your mouth. In this series, “Prepare to Stand Your Ground” you will learn how to win more of your battles.


Prayer for “The Power of Your Thoughts”

Father, I thank You that You have provided us with everything we need to do battle in the spirit realm. You have equipped and empowered us as your soldiers, to stand our ground against our enemy Satan. And I thank You God that our enemies are Your enemies as well. Hallelujah!
Father, help us to understand that You have created us in your image and your likeness and have given us a Christ like mind - a mind that can be renewed daily by feeding on your word and becoming doers as well as hearers.
Thank You that You have given us everything we need to bring every thought into captivity thoughts that don’t line up with your word and the power to Cast these Thoughts down.
Lord, help us to understand that there is power in our thoughts and power in our words and there will always be consequences in the thoughts we choose to take and the words we speak. Help us to choose the right thoughts so we can speak the right words and harvest a good crop.
Jesus said my words they are spirit and they are life. Help us to get a revelation that every word is a Seed and it will bring a harvest. I pray Lord, with Your help from this day forward, I will cast down every thought that is not of you and only speak what Your word says. In Jesus' name, Amen.

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