Saints, I believe the Lord has big plans for you and He is positioning you for big opportunities. However, you have an adversary out there ready to snatch it away from you. I believe, in this series, you will learn how to STAND your ground against the devil. Yes, you are in a Spiritual Warfare but remember "Warfare Always Surrounds the Birth of a Miracle!"
Prayer for “Putting the Devil under your Feet”
Father, I thank You that according to Your Word, we are visitors and strangers here on this earth and that we are just passing through on our way home. You said Lord that while we are here, we would endure many trials and temptations. But, I thank You Jesus, that You have overcome these trials for us, and we are so thankful that we are Your children—heirs with Christ. Therefore, the sufferings of this present earth are not worthy to be compared with the future glory in our real home!
Father, help us understand that we can never underestimate our enemy Satan and that we must stay alert at all times. For he would like nothing better than to catch us Napping.
Thank You Lord, for the Armor You have provided for Your children and for placing us in a Position of Authority high above the principalities and darkness of this world.
With Your help, we will keep our adversary the devil under our feet. In Jesus' name, Amen.