
  • When Will I Ever Live What I Believe

    Friends, In this message you will receive more understanding why you may not be Living What You Believe. One thing we must understand and that is just by agreeing that the scripture is true...but NOT actually BELIEVING it’s for YOU. Is just “Mental Accent”. It’s important what you believe about God. For what you believe about God will determine what you get. When you pray and ask God for something “Believe He hears you” Remember, what you believe about God  will determine what you get. “Then You Will Begin To Live What You Believe”.

  • 3 Keys to the Kingdom

    Friends, in this message you will learn some of the ways that God provides protection for his children in these last days. He has given us the keys to the kingdom. What we bind on earth is bound in heaven, and what we loose on earth is loosed in heaven. The keys of the Kingdom of Heaven, “SIGNIFY AUTHORITY” and He gives us His keys...and says USE THESE KEYS IN MY NAME. (Matt.16:18).

  • He Knows My Name

    Friends, God knows my name, and He knows your name. You may have been called a lot of things in life, however, when Jesus calls you by your name, He’ll always call you in the most personal way imaginable. Imagine that! The creator of the universe knows your name. How does it make you feel to be on a first name basis with the King of Kings? I personally think it feels awesome!

  • Standing in the Gap

    Friends, as you look around, or turn your TV or radio on you can see that we are entering a time, when we’re going to need the knowledge that God’s Word provides more than ever before. We are in a spiritual battle, and we’re in this battle for a very own lives. In this message, you will learn how to be equipped to do spiritual battle.

  • We Are the Army of the Lord of Hosts

    We shall be like a David, and perform the way he did by running toward his enemy. He ran toward his enemy, in the name of the Lord of Hosts… he told Goliath that the Lord does not deliver by sword or by spear, for the battle is the Lord’s, and that is whose name we will come in. We will not come in fear, and doubt; we will come in the name of the Lord of Hosts at our enemies... wielding the sword of the spirit.

  • Satan's Newest Attack Against Us

    The Lord impressed upon me that we are ALL in a Spiritual Battle and it is Warfare. The Christian life is a Battleground, it's not a Playground, and there is an enemy to fight and conquer, and territory to gain for the Lord. Know that God has given us Authority and Dominion here on this earth to withstand any tactic that the devil brings on us.

  • God's Image of You

    Friends, we allow the devil to take us captive every day, because we don’t know who we are in Christ. Or, I should say Who we belong to. I believe this is a big problem in the world today. In this message, I will share with you who you are in Christ Jesus, and the power and authority that He has bestowed upon us. I want to counter some of those lies that the devil has been feeding you about what you can, and cannot do. And put your foot on the devil for good.

  • Are the Odds Against You?

    Friends, there was a movie in 1985 called The Equalizer… it was about a man who at one time was a highly trained operative with the government, and he was now retired and set himself up to help those that couldn’t help themselves... the ones that the odds were against. Well, that’s exactly what The Word of God does for us. It becomes our Equalizer. God also puts us in a safe place too. He said only a spectator shall you be as you witness the reward of the wicked. Hallelujah!

  • Consider the Cost

    The Lord showed me that we have to “Consider the Cost” of the foundation that we are building every day with every word that comes from our mouths. We are in a war Saints, whether we choose to believe it or not will not change the fact that we are. And, it’s a Spiritual Battle. The only weapon that can be used to “Fight this War" is the Word of God...not armor tanks, not bombs, not guns, but the word of God only.