Jesus Is In Your Boat

The Lord revealed to me that Satan's primary target with this corona virus was people over their 60's, 70's, 80's and on up. in this message you will learn why Satan has targeted the older people. The Lord is wanting to bring a Great Spiritual Awaking but Satan does not want to see this happen.  Learn why he is attacking the Kingdom of God. This virus is a visible manifestation of Satan's work.


Prayer for Jesus is in Your Boat

Father, I thank you so much for your Word - Your Word that is sharper than a two edged sword, Your word that when its spoken in faith will bring down any mountain, Your word that will turn seas into highways, dry bones into flesh, and cause every storm to cease.
Your word will destroy anything that comes against your children and this corona-virus that is threating us is no different. You said Father, that at the name of Jesus every knee must bow in heaven, on the earth and under the earth.
So you foul spirit, I curse you and I speak death to you and I command you to bow your knee now, in Jesus name.
Father, I pray that you will give us the wisdom and understanding to recognize that this virus is an all-out attack against your elect against your kingdom purpose for your church.
Father God, we pray for our young people whom Satan has released his demonic forces into our schools and through the things they watch and listen to, turning their young minds against the things of our Lord, deceiving them with his lies.
We pray for our elders who Satan is attacking now - the vulnerable ones, the ones that you are going to use to bring into this hurting, sick, and fearful world a great Spiritual revival.
We pray for peace in this troubled time. According to Your Word Father, You will keep us in perfect peace if we will put our trust You and keep our thoughts fixed on You.
Thank you Lord that according to your Word you will rescue us from the snares set by our enemies and we can rest in peace knowing that this is not our battle…but yours. In Jesus Name I pray, Thank you Jesus.

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