Friends, In this message you will learn how Satan is working overtime to take you will also discover that God is not the one holding out on you. That Satan and his demonic forces are the ones doing his dirty work for him...However, you are the one with the power to take him out...Learn to exercise your God given authority...
Prayer for The Return of Jesus

Father, I thank You as we anxiously await the return of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, that You have blessed us with instructions on how to keep our enemy, satan, at large and how he is working overtime to destroy us. Father, I pray that all those listening today will understand that satan cannot be everywhere at the same time like You can, that satan is using demonic spirits to do his dirty work for him. But our God is omnipresent, ever-present, and omniscient, knowing everything. And You are everywhere. Hallelujah! Father, You have given us many signs of the return of Jesus and the things that we need to look for concerning His return. Your Word tells us that no one knows the day or hour when the Son of Man will return, not even the angels in heaven or the Son himself. Only the Father knows the day and the hour. Hallelujah. Father, I pray that all those listening will understand that we must be ready at all times, for Jesus will come when least expected. Your Word says He will come like a thief in the night, and I believe that time is very near. Matthew 24 tells us to stay awake, for we do not know on what day our Lord is coming. Friends, our Lord is not trying to frighten you, but only to remind you of His return. And the things you're experiencing here on earth now is only temporary. For He says, do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid. Our Father has promised to deliver us out of the hand of our enemy and out of the darkness and bring us into the light. Hallelujah. Amen and amen.