
  • Act of Faith

    Saints, in this message I believe you will learn that when you "Act in Faith" you can destroy the power of the enemy - his power over you to kill cancer, kill diabetes and to be delivered from any demonic spirit. With the Faith of a Mustard Seed you can and will be able to bring down any mountain. AND KNOW THAT NOTHING IS IMPOSSIBLE WITH OUR GOD.

  • Needless Fear

    Saints, in this message you will learn that it is possible to turn your (ears) thoughts away from the oppressor (Satan) and turn them towards the thoughts that our Father is having of us - Thoughts of VICTORY. And even though we are going through some tough times and in the natural things aren't looking too good, you will know that while we might be locked down, Our GOD is not locked down and He is still working in the Supernatural helping us to fight our battles.

  • Refocusing & Rebooting

    Friends, in this message I think you will realize that we ALL need to Re-Boot and Re-Focus our thoughts sometimes so we can have a Fresh look at things. Also, I think you will see that one of the most important things that our Father is looking for is OBEDIENCE. And because we love Him we will be obedient and do as He ask even if we don't always understand.

  • Brain Heart Connection

    Saints, you may not have realized it or even given any thought to the fact that you think both in your Mind and in your Heart. Jesus said “as a man thinks in his heart so is he.”(Prov. 23:7) The mouth speaks out of the abundance...the overflow of the heart. (Luke 6:45) The Tree is the Heart...the Fruit is the Mouth. When Jesus was talking about trees, He was talking about people. My point is "Your Heart can Think"...

  • The Power of Your Prayers

    Friends, in this message you will realize that our Father answers all our prayers and the ENORMITY of your prayer request is not a problem with Him.

    For if it concerns you, it concerns our Father. This should cause us as the elect of God to realize that nothing "Limits the Power of God" in making provision for His children. Remember, nothing is ever too Big to ask for. God owns it all (Haggai 2:8).

  • No Weapon Formed Against You Shall Prosper

    Friends, there is so much fear going on around us today. In this message, however, you will discover there is no reason to fear, for the Lord has us covered. And He has promised that when our enemy comes in against us, He will raise up a standard against him that will blow him into OBLIVION. It is God's awesome Standard... it is the Power of Jesus Christ. No need to fear. Through Jesus we already have the Victory. Amen.

  • Sleepless Nights

    Saints, sleep does not come easily during a crisis in your life.  Most of the time we toss and turn with anxiety thinking about our problem. I believe in this message you will realize that you can go to bed and sleep like a baby even during a crisis - like David did when he was being pursued by his son Absalom who was trying to kill David. Psalms 3:6: “Even though dark powers prowl around me... I WON'T BE AFRAID.” The Lord is watching over you too.

  • From Your Lips to God’s Ear

    Saints, in this message you will know that God always hears your every prayer, for His Word says He does. And your prayers are powerful when prayed in faith, just like the prayers of Elijah when he prayed for rain. You will learn that even though things don't always look good in the natural, our God is working behind the scenes.

  • God's Word is Our Protection Plan

    Saints, in this message I hope to remind everyone that we are still serving the same God today... that He is the same today, yesterday and forever. Our Father never brings evil upon His children. Evil is created by Satan to bring death, confusion, and primarily FEAR. Our Father says, if we make Him our refuge and our hiding place that no evil will conquer you (Psalm 91:12), no plague will come near your home for He will order His angels to protect you.