
  • Prayer for 'Jesus Our First Love'

    Father, I thank You for Jesus, and I thank You for His sacrifice. I pray, Lord, that we will love others as You have loved us. You loved us so much that You gave Your life for us. Thank You, Jesus. Help us, O Lord, to understand that we do not have to do anything to receive Your love, that Your desire for us is not to keep doing so many things to please You. But You want us to know that You're already pleased with us, that we pleased You when we accepted You, Lord Jesus, as our Lord and Savior.

  • Prayer for "Time for New Beginnings"

    Father, I thank You that You are a God of new beginnings, and according to Deuteronomy 11:12, You have blessed us with a land for which the Lord our God cares. The eyes of the Lord our God are always upon it, from the beginning of the year to the very end of the year. I thank you, Lord, that You have Your eyes upon us at all times, and that You keep us as the apple of Your eye. Oh Lord, help us to understand that we must stop listening to the lies of the enemy, and be the sheep that follows the Good Shepherd.

  • Prayer for "A Season for Decisions"

    Father, I thank You that even though we're going through trials and hardships, with all of the things that are going on around us, that they are only temporary. Even though we're bombarded and like Paul we're being pressed on all sides, we will not despair, and we will not lose heart because our faith is in our God - the only one who can help us. Even though our outward man is perishing, we're thankful that our inward man is being renewed day by day. Father, we thank You for the grace not to focus or look at the things which are seen, but we shall keep our focus on that which is not seen.

  • Prayer for "Staying One Step Ahead of the Devil"

    Father, I pray that You will help us to understand that we're new creatures in Your Son, Christ Jesus, and the old person has died and no longer has to live, and we no longer have to live a defeated life. Help us, O Lord, to get a new way of thinking - thoughts that are filled with Your Word, words that are filled with power, that can bring down satan and his demons. Help us to remember that You have given us Your Word, a Word that is sharper than a two-edged sword, and You have sent Holy Spirit to help us and to teach us and to help us discern Your Word.

  • Prayer for "The Power of God's Word"

    Father, I thank You that You have created us to be speaking spirits, and as You spoke all things into existence, You have created us in Your image. So we can call those things to be nought as though they are, thank You Jesus. I thank You God, that when we speak Your Word, it has such power that martyrs have staked their lives on it, and still do. Your Word has such power that governments cannot overthrow it, no matter how hard they try. Hallelujah! Your Word, Lord, has such power that it holds together time and eternity. Praise God.

  • Prayer for "Guard Your Heart"

    Father, I thank You that You have blessed us with a heart that is the control center of the soul, the mind, the will and our affections, and that our hearts are a high risk, vulnerable place because of sin, and must be guarded at all times. You said, Lord, that our hearts are deceitful and cannot be trusted. Lord, help us to guard our hearts at all times, because according to You, Lord, it is the wellspring of life. And help us, oh Lord, to understand that out of the overflow of the heart the mouth speaks.

  • Prayer for "Your Heart Believes What it Hears Your Mouth Say"

    Father, I thank You that according to Your Word I will be held accountable for every idle, nonworking word I speak and that my mouth is my tool for implementing, for my mouth is the most influential voice in my life. Help us, Lord, to understand that our mouth is our weapon against satan and satan will deceive us into using our own mouths against ourselves in our health and in our finances and in our families. Lord, You said that Your Word will not return unto You void. So I pray, Lord, that You will help us pray Your Word so we will get the right results.

  • Prayer for "God of the Impossible"

    Father, I thank You that we serve the God of the impossible, the God of more than enough. I thank You that You have blessed us with an imagination that allows us to meditate on Your Word and begin to get a vision and see ourselves as You see us, and You have given us the ability to dream. I thank You, Lord, that You see us as overcomers, more than conquerors. And according to Your Word, You will show us great and mighty things which we do not know. And we're so thankful that You also have great plans for us, plans to take care of us and not abandon us, but plans to give us a future.

  • Prayer for "The Power of Your Imagination"

    Father, I thank You for the wonderful imagination that You have blessed us with. It is such an awesome gift to be able to use our imaginations to give birth to our dreams and visions. I  pray, Lord, that You will help us to use our imaginations for good and not against ourselves. Help us to recognize the importance of getting a vision of what we want, because if we can't see it before we get it, the enemy will try and discourage us, making us think that it's not coming.

  • Prayer for "Sin Crouches at Your Door"

    Father, I pray that You will help us to understand that according to Romans 6:14, that sin is no longer our master, for we no longer live on the requirements of the law. Indeed, we live under the freedom of God's grace, and we must walk in obedience to avoid the traps of the enemy. O Lord, help us to see that when we're walking in disobedience, that we're leaving the door open for the enemy to come in. Help us to keep that door closed by being obedient to God's Word and do as the Lord instructs us, or sin will be crouching at our door.