
  • Prayer for New Identity in Christ/ A New Creature All Together

    I thank You Lord that You have placed me far above all rule and authority and power and dominion and seated me in the heavenly realm at Your right hand. I thank You that I am no longer an outsider, migrant or an alien excluded from the rights of citizens,…but I now share citizenship with the saint. God’s own people, consecrated.

    Father I thank You that You said If any man be in Christ that he is a new creation, A New Creature all together, something that’s never been before that all things have become new.

  • Prayer of Salvation

    I would like to pray the prayer of salvation and offer all of you that have not yet accepted Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior, the opportunity to receive Jesus today and become a New Creature in Christ. God said that He is not willing that anyone should perish.  And when you accept Jesus as your Savior you will begin living the life that Jesus died for you to live. You will live a life that is filled with His presence, and know that He will never leave you.

  • Prayer for Speaking to Your Mountain

    Father, I thank You that your Word is near me today, in my mouth and in my heart, for with the heart a person believes and with the mouth he confesses.

    Lord I thank You that I shall use my mouth today to speak to my mountains to speak over my body, over my finances and over my family and in the name of Jesus these mountains will come down.

    No Word of God is ever without power or fulfillment and when I open my mouth it will have no choice but to obey me. Thank You Jesus.

  • A Prayer for Barrenness

    Father, I thank You that according to Your Word, many are the promises of God and they all find their answer in You. (In Christ) For this reason I also utter the Amen (2Cor. 1:20). Father Your Word tells me to put You in remembrance of Your Word. (Isa.43:26) and Your Word says “There shall nothing cast their young, nor be barren, in thy land and the number of thy days will fulfill.” (Exodus 23:26)

  • Prayer for Snared by Your Words

    Father, I thank You… that every word of Yours is pure and finer than pure silver…I thank You Lord that your words are Spirit and they are life…And I thank you for sending the Holy Spirit to live in me… And I thank You that with the help of the holy Spirit…. I can control my tongue….and my mouth can and will be used to tell of Your mighty works…too sing Your praises and declare Your Word at all times…