
  • Prayer for “Prepare to Stand Your Ground”

    Father, I thank You that this is a time of an Awaking, a time of being refreshed by Your Word, a time to learn to Stand our ground.
    Help us to understand Lord that Your Word is Spirit and life and that Your Word never fails. According to John 17:17, Thy Word is Truth. You said that we have made null Your Word by Traditions that have destroyed the authority of Your Word.
    I thank You that we are new creatures in Christ Jesus and as new creations in Christ, we are a part of Your kingdom and we need to have our minds renewed to the Truth - Your Truth.

  • Prayer for “The Power of Your Thoughts”

    Father, I thank You that You have provided us with everything we need to do battle in the spirit realm. You have equipped and empowered us as your soldiers, to stand our ground against our enemy Satan. And I thank You God that our enemies are Your enemies as well. Hallelujah!
    Father, help us to understand that You have created us in your image and your likeness and have given us a Christ like mind - a mind that can be renewed daily by feeding on your word and becoming doers as well as hearers.

  • Prayer for “Thinking Like Jesus”

    Father, I thank You that according to Your Word, Jesus came so His sheep will have an abundant life and so they will have everything they need. However, You said the thief (Satan) comes only to steal, kill and destroy.
    You also said that Your sheep know Your voice and will not follow the voice of a stranger. I pray Lord, that today You will magnify Your voice even more so we can hear it more clearly; and as we hear your voice Lord, help us to begin to Only Speak what your word says to believe in our hearts and speak it out of our mouths.

  • Prayer for 'Never Settle for Less'

    Father, I thank You that this is the day that You have made and we will rejoice and be glad in it. I thank you that You have given us 365 days in which we have new opportunities to fulfill the plans You have for us.
    I thank You Lord, that You have predestined us in the way that we should go and You have personally planned in advance the work for each of us to do. I thank You that there are No 'Ifs' in your plans for us. The only 'If' in your plan for us is in obedience to do what you ask.

  • Prayer for 'You Get What You Say'

    Father, I pray that You will give us the wisdom and grace to devote ourselves to prayer, being watchful and thankful. I pray that You will open to us a door for the Word so that we may proclaim the mystery of Christ.
    We pray also that when we open our mouths, divine utterance may be given to us so that we will boldly make known the mystery of the gospel - the mystery that was hidden for ages and generations but is now revealed to His saints.

  • Prayer for 'The Wise and Foolish Builders'

    Father, I thank you for providing me with everything I need to become a Wise Builder. I don’t want to be a Foolish Builder, I want to be a wise builder and according to your Word the only way I can accomplish this is to build a Foundation on Your Word.
    A foundation that will stand through all outside Persecutions, cares, and attractions of this world or anything else that would interfere in my walk with you and affect my faith.
    We all know that Your Word is the Foundation, and Jesus is the Rock that it has to be built on.

  • Prayer for 'Mustard Seed Faith'

    Father, I thank You that according to your Word, when we pray, we only need Faith the size of a Mustard Seed. And if we have the Faith of a Mustard Seed, we could say to this mountain, ”Move from here to there" and it will move - nothing is impossible for You.
    Lord I do have Faith, "please help my Unbelief". Help my unbelief not to over ride my faith, help me to focus on your word more and not be so moved by my 5 senses. For you said Lord, that My heart would lie to me, for who can trust it.

  • Prayer for I’ve Changed My Mind

    Father, I thank You that Your Word has instructed us not to be conformed to this world, but to be transformed by the renewing of our minds so we will know what Your perfect will is for us; and You have sent the Holy Spirit to be our teacher and our helper to help us to Discern and understand Your Word.
    Help us, O Lord, to understand that we must “Renew Our Minds” to Your way of thinking in order to lay hold of the good life that Your Word has promised.

  • Prayer for Soaring Above the Storm

    Father, I thank You for Your Love, Your patience and for Your mercy that You show us every day. Your word says, “those that wait upon You will renew their strength... they will mount up with wings like Eagles, they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not faint." Hallelujah!
    I thank You Father, that it is Your desire for us to Soar like an Eagle to higher heights above our circumstances and not allow the devil to keep us defeated, weighed down with sickness, poverty and depression. But Your desire is for us to be the Overcomers You created us to be. Thank You, Jesus!