
  • Prayer for Victory Over Weakness

    Father, I thank You for the awesome privilege to use the name of Jesus. Praise the Lord, because at the name of Jesus, every knee in heaven, on earth and under the earth must bow. Hallelujah! And every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of the Father.
    Father, I thank You that because of this privilege, we can speak to any sickness, any disease and in the name of Jesus it must bow it’s knee.
    In the name of Jesus, we can curse any disease and command it to die from the root up. Praise the Lord!

  • Prayer for I Am Who You Say I Am

    Father, we thank You for Your Awesome presence in our lives. We cannot thank You enough for honoring us with Your presence. You are the Great I AM.
    Thank You Lord, that You are our protector against our enemy Satan and his demonic spirits, and we thank You that You have empowered us to extinguish every fiery dart and arrow that he sends our way - every dart of unbelief, thoughts of doubt, thoughts of fear, every dart - we can extinguish by wielding the sword of the Spirit, which is the Word of God.
    You have given us power in ALL Circumstances.

  • Prayer For "Overcoming the Spirit of Doubt"

    Father, You said that Your people are nullifying and making void and to No Effect the Authority of the Word of God through our traditions.
    I pray Lord that You will help us understand that Your Power is in our mouths and that the power of our Voices opens up the Super-natural.
    Father, I pray that You will anoint our lips and stand guard over them. Help us to speak as though You Lord have put Your Words in our mouths.

  • Prayer for "Let the Weak Say They are Strong"

    Father, I thank You that You are the same Yesterday, Today and forever more. People change, places change, but I am so grateful that You never change, and Your Word never changes!
    With my lips have I declared and recounted all the Ordinances of Your Mouth.
    Your Word is always powerful and it never loses its power, for you are the same God Today, Yesterday, and you will be the same God Tomorrow.

  • Prayer for "My Word My Word"

    Father, I thank You for Your Word. For  you said that Your Word will never return unto you void... but it will always accomplish what You sent it out to do (Isa.55:11).
    I thank You that I am created in Your image and in your likeness and as an Imitator of you, I can send forth Your Word and it will always bring back good results and achieve whatever I send it out to do.
    Your Word will bring healing to my body and prosperity in my life.

  • Prayer for “The Spiritual and Universal Law of Sowing & Reaping”

    Father, I thank You that You have blessed us with a good mind - a Christ-Like mind - and I thank You that You have given us every tool we need to Renew our minds, to Re-Wire our brains to think like You.
    You said Lord, that You would not have us to be ignorant of Your Word. Your Word says that the devil roams around like a lion just looking for someone to devour, someone he can deceive by filling our minds with lies, getting us to take the thoughts that he puts into our minds.

  • Prayer for “Take No Thought”

    Father, I thank You for Your presence in my life and I thank for sending the Holy Spirit to teach us and give us revelation of Your Word.
    You said Lord, not to Take Any Thought for tomorrow, for tomorrow shall Take Thought for the things of itself; sufficient for the day is its own trouble. You said for us to give attention to what You are doing right now and for us not to get all worked up about what may or may not happen tomorrow.

  • Prayer for “The Power of Right Thinking”

    Father, I pray that the words in this message that we have just heard will be like the ones David spoke of in psalm 119; when he said, “How sweet are Your Words to my Taste; sweeter than honey to my mouth.” And Jeremiah said, “Your Words O Lord, were found... and I ate them ...and Your Word became to me ...the gladness and joy of my heart... For I am called by Your name O Jehovah, God of Hosts...”

  • Prayer for “The Heart Mind Connection“

    Father, I thank you that according to Your Word, You said as a man thinks in his heart so is he.
    Help us Lord, to get a deeper revelation of the words coming out of our mouths and the effect they have in receiving blessings from You. Help us Lord, to be as David and put a bridle on our mouths so that we will not continue to Speak vain and idle words and to even separate ourselves from those who do.

  • Prayer for “Your Angels are Rejoicing”

    Lord, I thank You that you said if one of your sheep were to get lost that you would leave the 99 others and go search for the one that is lost, and you will search until he is found. And when you find the lost sheep, you said there would be much Rejoicing in heaven. Thank You Jesus!
    Father, there are many of Your sheep that are in need of being found. Some don’t even know they are lost. They are not lost in the sense that they don’t know You Lord, but they are lost in their circumstances. Some are sick, some are hurting, and some need their financial needs met.