In this series, you will learn that whether you feel like you do or not, as a 'Born Again Believer' you have been given authority here on this earth (Heb 2:6-8). You have been given the right to use the Name of Jesus and when you use His name, things will begin to happen, Saints. Hebrews 2, verse 8 says He has given you authority over All THINGS… Now when He says ALL THINGS it means nothing is left out! Amen.
Prayer for "The Power & Authority of the Believer"
Father, I thank You that based on Your Word, You have given the believer, The Born Again Child of God, Power and Authority here on this earth (Luke 10:19). I thank You Lord, that You not only came to save us, but You also came to give us power and authority.
Jesus, thank You that You died for our freedom and that your desire is that we live a life of abundance in every area of our lives.
I declare today based on Your Word, that as a Believer we have authority and power over the devil.
I declare that the devil is subject to us as believers and that he must obey us when we speak Your Word, Lord.
I declare that the devil is subject to the words the Believer speaks when they line up with Your Word. I declare, based on Your Word, that the devil is subject to the Believers Rights and he cannot take them away from us. Hallelujah!
I declare Lord that You are our God and we will Praise You and we will exalt Your name on high. I thank You Lord Jesus that You have defeated our enemy for us and that he now is a defeated foe; and that You have raised us up together with You and have made us sit with You in the heavenly places, far above the darkness and the principalities of this world (Eph.1:21). You Lord, have made us more than overcomers (Rev.12:11). Hallelujah!
Thank You Father, for loving us and for all Your loving kindness toward those that love You.
In Jesus Name I Pray. Amen. Amen.